Club History


The Great Lakes CKCSC, Inc. was formed to represent, protect and promote the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in Michigan. The Club emphasizes the breed’s qualities of the Cavalier and provides education to the public about this wonderful breed. The Great Lakes CKCSC is dedicated to preserving the health, quality and temperament of the breed in the beautiful State of Michigan.

The Club Formation:

Kathryn Yonkers called together Cavalier’s fanciers to form a club in 2007. The first organizational meeting of the Great Lakes CKCSC, Inc., then called the Cavalier King Charles Club of Greater Kalamazoo (CKCSC-KZOO) was held at Bark’s 5th Avenue in Kalamazoo, MI, on August 11, 2007.


The membership rapidly grew to include breeders & owners from around the State. Kathy served as founding president and served from 2007 to 2009 during the club early development.


The President’s message published in the first newsletter published in 2007, “The CKCSC-KZOO has a proactive plan, which includes matches, public education, and ACKCSC endorsed breed seminars. The club wants to encourage and promote junior handlers as the next generation of Cavalier Fanciers. The CKCSC-KZOO is working on becoming AKC licensed. In addition, we are working toward qualifying as one of the ACKCSC member clubs. Our future goal is to host a Cavalier’s specialty in Michigan!”

The Club Process toward Licensure:

Bruce Clark served as president from 2009 to 2011. During his term, the club name was changed to the CKCSC of Southwest Michigan and the club was approved as Sanctioned B status. Kathryn Yonkers returned as president in 2011. Two qualifying sanctioned B matches were completed and the club applied for and was approved as Sanctioned A status. In 2013, the Club name was changed to the Great Lakes CKCSC to more descriptively reflect the Club and the great state of Michigan. The club held their first Sanctioned A Match.


On June 26, 2014, the Great Lakes CKCSC became incorporated in the State of Michigan. In the fall of 2015, the club completed their second sanctioned A match. The membership continue to grow. A new website was launched in February 2016 under the direction of the webmistress, Jennifer Lee.